KINGS Bag is exclusively doing various of bags; with years' experience working in this line, we're able to provide professional services and trusted quality to oversea markets. Our factory consists of over 100 skilled workers who support the company very much and ensure that our products, quality, workmanship and services are perfectly trusted. In addition, our management staffs were working on ladies' bags for over 10 years; arrangement from them always make sure the items on line can be finished in due time without sacrifising the quality. To double guarantee quality and workmanship, our strong QC team will do the the same job to check if spare parts are in the right place and in the right way.
To expand business, our factory is also able to do custom designs, always with outstanding results; what we need is just a photo, specs, desc and more details will surely be great! To accomplish the job, we'll do the same to ensure delivery date and quality.
We are specialise in tailor made products.
You can rest assured once we become partner.As all great things from small starts.
So welcome trial order then certaily establish long-term business relationship.